So the last time I reviewed one of these, we were following Hank and the damn clown was back or something- I forget because, as my review states, this series has really run itself straight into the ground with aplomb.
So I forget what happened in 7 or 8 and frankly I can't be bothered to go back and look. It's always going to be something equivalent to "Guns, Guns, Knives, Blood, and Guns". It repeats itself continuously, bringing little new to the table and rehashing ideas that either have already been present or should have been very fucking obvious a long time ago- case in point being the guys with yellow blood. No shit they're engineered.
I'm pretty much tired of seeing the phrase "Madness Combat", but I recognize they're popular and that they are your pride and joy. You've been doing these damn things for, what, the better part of a decade now? I was going to give a 6, but the disgust I feel in seeing this name as endlessly as I do is not the point. The point is that you continue to make these whether or not they're still fun and "mad". I suggest here (as I did on the last video) that you wrap up this storyline in the next few years. By the end of next year if you can achieve it. A nice round ten years, eh?
Go watch the first 5. See the energy, life, and manic glee you'd installed there. Particularly the first one, with its complete banishment of reasoning. That was TRUE madness.
7/10. Normally I vote equivalently to my rating- a 10 and 9 would be a 5, an 8 and 7 would be a 4.
Not this time.
You've already shown us how lovely a fight you can produce. You haven't given anything "new or interesting." 2/5.